Diedre Moire's Approach - The Practice Team
After careful analysis, Diedre Moire has come up with a solution to the challenges presented by the industry’s traditional career development and compensation system. Our innovation rewards the individual based on results, distributes business risk and reward fairly, promotes self-improvement, rewards efficient use of associates’ time and effort; and assures clients, candidates and associates of the best possible treatment. We call the new structure the Practice Team. The Practice Team provides the following advantages:
How it Works Associates work together in teams focused on a specific market segment, headed by a proven associate known as the “Practice Manager”. All production is pooled. Each associate’s individual production is calculated as a percentage of the pool based on their rank in the team and on the number of members in each rank within the team based on a formula described later in this document. Bonuses are then calculated based on each associates production and their compensation schedule. Team rank is determined by a series of evaluations involving tests and on the job performance objectives. |